My Husband Ryan and I <3

Monday, October 31, 2011

A break through

Have you ever wanted something so badly you would do anything? Well that's what this half marathon means to me. I will continue to run even if I have continuous pains in my lungs while running, but that was not the case today! I couldn't be happier! I have only been training for 1 week and today I had a break through! It was amazing. I tried running on an indoor track this evening and used the Jeff Galloway training plan, as It was suggested to me by a friend for asthmatics. I was so nervous about trying to run for a such a long distance, but with his method I am starting my running journey by running for 30 seconds and walking for 60 seconds. Check out his plan in the link above to help have injury free training and as I found out today, its PERFECT for me! 

I am proof that an asthmatic CAN run, and succeed! I am so happy to know my goal of a half marathon will be possible. I do know this doesn't mean it's going to be easy! Today's break through allowed me to prove to myself that the goal I set for myself is achievable... even as a wheezer :)  

On a side note, when I was diagnosed with asthma at age three, Steel Magnolia's was a very popular movie and Wheezer was a character in this movie played by Shirley Maclaine. After I was diagnosed, My mom thought it was funny to call me Wheezer after Shirley Maclaine, and what can I say.. It stuck!  I used to hate it and was ashamed of it, but i'm learning that its giving me the opportunity today to blog to all of you wonderful people and hopefully help some other asthmatics conquer goals you may have not thought were possible without reading my story. I hope this helps and brings inspiration to each of you. 

Question to end on: Which do you prefer.. indoor tracks, running outdoors or on a treadmill and why? 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why would an asthmatic run?

Why would an asthmatic run you ask? Maybe because I like the challenge. I have always prided myself on trying new things and continually trying new things and always learning. So why would anyone with severe asthma want to take up running? Below are my reasons:  
  1.  to challenge myself to stick to working out 6 times a week
  2.  learn to enjoy running (instead of hating even the thought of it)
  3. improve my ability to breathe with ease :)
  4. a healthy activity to do with my husband instead of going out to eat. 
  5. Lastly, show friends and family, and all my blog followers that even severe asthmatics can run without having an asthma attack.  
 Today, I struggled with finding motivation to run. I did not run Saturday and couldn't find the motivation to go running. I realized I need to do this to show all the other asthmatics that want to run and be athletic that they can do it too. I did go for a run today and tried running really fast and when i did i started wheezing heavily, and got crampy in my sides and my lungs. I stopped and stretched and decided to walk back the rest of the way. While I walked I realized it was a combination of fear of having an asthma attack and actually having some asthma troubles. Its a mind game. still fighting it. It will get better with time.

On a fun note, Last night I went out for Halloween with some friends as the Scooby Doo Gang! Check it out! 

Question of the Day: To all the asthmatics, do you have a fear of having an asthma attack while running too? If so How do you get over it?

- Tomorrow is Halloween, I am going to try to not eat any candy tomorrow and instead of sitting and eating candy, I'm going to get some exercise and work on my training schedule :) Who's With me!?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Facing the Fear of Running

 I had my first asthma attack when I was three years old. Growing up, I was always last picked for sports and always had a fear of running because I knew the chances of having an asthma attack was very high. I knew that if I would try to run in P.E. or on the playground I could have an asthma attack and be embarrassed to have to use my inhaler. 
 Once a year we had field and track day in elementary school, where we would go to the track and each get to do a race. I always would dread this day each year knowing I would make a fool of myself running with all my other classmates. I was signed up for the 50 meter dash with 6 other girls in my class. I stood at the starting line and had already told myself, I was going to fail. On your mark, get set, go! I ran so fast and got my first taste of what running and the endorphins felt like! Before I knew it, I had fallen into the gravel and ripped my knee up. I got up and finished the race and came in 2nd. All that mattered to me was that I finished. Even if I was wheezing and had a ripped up knee.  

Within the last month, I started thinking about what I could do to better my health and challenge myself. I started thinking about what I could do that would really challenge myself. I found the 13.1 marathon series benefiting World Vision. 13.1 series Knowing I am Running for a great Cause for the World Vision team keeps me motivated. 

I've done 1 week of training so far out of 21 weeks. It has been a bit of a challenge with Asthma, but so far I feel like it's a mind game with a little bit of asthma. I need to get over the fear of having an asthma attack and really learn to run though my Asthma. 

This blog is dedicated to all asthmatics that want to conquer their fear of running. Follow me as I share my training moments, both positive and learning moments.