My Husband Ryan and I <3

Monday, October 31, 2011

A break through

Have you ever wanted something so badly you would do anything? Well that's what this half marathon means to me. I will continue to run even if I have continuous pains in my lungs while running, but that was not the case today! I couldn't be happier! I have only been training for 1 week and today I had a break through! It was amazing. I tried running on an indoor track this evening and used the Jeff Galloway training plan, as It was suggested to me by a friend for asthmatics. I was so nervous about trying to run for a such a long distance, but with his method I am starting my running journey by running for 30 seconds and walking for 60 seconds. Check out his plan in the link above to help have injury free training and as I found out today, its PERFECT for me! 

I am proof that an asthmatic CAN run, and succeed! I am so happy to know my goal of a half marathon will be possible. I do know this doesn't mean it's going to be easy! Today's break through allowed me to prove to myself that the goal I set for myself is achievable... even as a wheezer :)  

On a side note, when I was diagnosed with asthma at age three, Steel Magnolia's was a very popular movie and Wheezer was a character in this movie played by Shirley Maclaine. After I was diagnosed, My mom thought it was funny to call me Wheezer after Shirley Maclaine, and what can I say.. It stuck!  I used to hate it and was ashamed of it, but i'm learning that its giving me the opportunity today to blog to all of you wonderful people and hopefully help some other asthmatics conquer goals you may have not thought were possible without reading my story. I hope this helps and brings inspiration to each of you. 

Question to end on: Which do you prefer.. indoor tracks, running outdoors or on a treadmill and why? 


  1. Hey Sydey! I'm so glad you commented on my blog! I love meeting other asthmatic runners :) I started running in november of last year and ran my first half in february, and it was absolutely amazing. Now I'm totally hooked! haha

    As far as the shirts go the ones from the giveaway you commented on are available here:

    and I have others (and tech shirts which are important for higher mileage trust me!) are available here:

    I love playing around on the computer so if you want me to make one that says something specific shoot me an email ( and I'll whip one up for you. I don't make any money from the shirts or anything, just like to make em! haha

  2. Running outdoors for sure! Keep it up, Syd!
